Friday 5 March 2010

Speculative future.

It's hard to write from the heart when you don't understand it. It's like looking at a 360 degree picture; there's so many ways to look at it and each time you look at it it's different, and everybody else has an opinion about it.

Your hearts something it's hard to control, as it seems to control you.

In one of my modules this semester we were studying a book called 'The Handmaid's Tale' by Margaret Atwood. It fits into many genres (such as Science Fiction, Fictive Autobiography and others) but the most interesting to me was the genre entitled 'Speculative Fiction'. Now I'm not going to go on too much about the book, however it was essentially an extension of current societies attitudes into the futuristic 21st Century.

This is the same genre to which Orwell's 184 belongs to, which is why I thought it was interesting. This idea of examining toady's attitudes and legislation and contemplating if the world continues rapidly on this wavelength where we will become.

The novel is a great read, and not only made me question society, but my own life and it's undesirables. I see things in my life, or things that I do that I don't like and I know they're wrong - and now I'm erasing them. I'm erasing my bad attitudes and very bad habits.

I want to live as I want to live for the rest of my life. I want to be hardworking, and I want to be a proper Christain my my actions, attitudes and words not only in my heart.

I'm just trying to detox myself after recent change and somewhat life-shift. I've realised that I've been neglecting some of the best people around out of selfishness and laziness. I'm aspiring to be better, and aspiring to be pure.

Tomorrow, is a brand new day.
And me? I'm a brand new woman.

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