Monday 31 January 2011


  1. Speaking like Yoda.
  2. Greeting everybody with 'Hey Girl'
  3. Saying 'you guys' with a wide smile when you're in a happy group situation.
  4. Our house keg, and making large amounts of cocktail in it.
  5. Having sharing 4 rounds of toast in the morningtimes with Conor, playing Final Fantasy.
  6. Every single person in the room playing games, on 4 different concoles.
  7. Pokemon battles.
  8. Raspberryade, and when you find a full bottle of it in the fridge.
  9. Getting a free vodka slush in Havana with Rowan.
  10. Playing Bordorlands with Conor.
  11. Adding 'ya dick' to the end of questions or statements.
  12. Long drives to nowhere just to talk for hours.
  13. 'Let You Go' by Chase and Status, and how we shout overexaggerated lyrics.
  14. The expression 'Our eyes were bigger than our bellies'
  15. Techno kitty.
  16. Having heart to hearts which last for hours well into the night.
  17. Relating every situation in life to a Taylor Swift lyric.
  18. Dancing around your room when the night ends, with big headphones on.
  19. Having a double bed to sprawl out on reading.
  20. Mark saying 'It's so amathzing'
  21. Playing four player little big planet and arguing over who's leader.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't been on this in a wile. It makes me happy, i'm glad you're happy. (^_^)
