Monday 22 August 2011

Life, continued.

Sometimes life can pile on top of you. You can get scared by words like; career, marriage, failure. For me it's this expectation for anythign that gets me down, especially the terms 'in your prime', 'these are our glory days' and all those in a similar vein. But it's short-term goals, and the little spurts of happiness which seem to make life worth it - and allow you to be less harsh on yourself for not being the most universally successful person on the planet. The little or big that make you feel better, or like you belong seem to be the meaning of life these days for me.

Here's some of my favourites;

  1. Boiling a mug of water and eating a bar of dairy milk after dipping it in.

  2. Going on drives to seemingly far away places to watch over the city and just watch it for a while - waiting for the darkness to come and for the streetlights to come on.

  3. Eating zappers with your BFF even though your tongue is bleeding.

  4. Going to B&M, getting a McFlurry.

  5. Lying down for 1 minute. (It never being one minute)

  6. Clearing out, cleaning my room.

  7. Nose pore strips.

  8. Spooning.

  9. Wearing boys underwear.

  10. Listening to Taylor Swift/Kelly Clarkson/Alanis Morisette/Frightened Rabbit.

  11. Making cakes, and decorating them like a girl.

  12. Meeting him from work when he's wearing his suit.

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