Sunday 18 April 2010

Accepting (and not defending) yourself.

Everyday you find something that you don't like about yourself. Whether it's your haircut or your emotional instability. We can pick at ourselves until there's nothing much left to savour and you're really a pile of your own self-loathing; bitter and empty.

I was once told told if you didn't like something about yourself you should change it. And if you can't change it, you should accept it. You need to feel confident and happy in your own skin, because you'll never live in anybody elses'.

Accepting yourself 95% percent of the time isn't easy and part of you wants to be somebody else. But you're always going to be yourself whether you fight it or not, and making the best out of who you are and even being proud of who you are equals happier and healthier friendships/relationships.

As well as how we are genetically, or how we are as a result of social construction we must also accept what we've already done. The past is the past and after seeking forgiveness, we must accept what we've done and stop defending it - especially when we can't defend it, or justify our actions.

Whatever you do, you will displease somebody. You will always have people wondering why you're doing or have done certain things. You will be judged for what you do for the right or the wrong reason but that can't stop you doing them! We need to realise that the reason we do things are more powerful than those who judge us for doing them.

Accepting yourself is one of those life-long tasks which if accomplished could save you a whole lot of heartache. Others accepting you? Well if your friends/family are any sort of friends/family they will learn to accept you for what you've done and who you are.

Oh, and never resort to defending something you haven't even done wrong.

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