Saturday 26 February 2011

Contrast, and compare.

In life sometimes it's hard to keep balance and hard to keep your confidence up. Recently I've met a lot of wonderful, smart, happy people and to be honest it's hard not to measure yourself alongside them and decide whose 'better'. And when you're aware of your own flaws and not so aware of others flaws it's easy to put yourself down, and be harder on yourself than you would anybody else.

The sad thing about this is that there's ALWAYS going to be somebody better, somebody more adventurous, prettier, smarter, funnier and if that's they way THEY are then how could you really compete? And if we're changing and developing by the second then does whose better change from time to time, and does the majority vote win, or is it individual specific?

I believe in double standards, and how it's fine for me to do certain things but when I see others doing the same examining who I am, I absolutely can't stand it. That's when you see your flaws; jealousy, hypocrisy. It's not pretty or funny or admirable, it is downright ugly and shameful. We're afraid to expose ourselves but in order to live a life outside our cosy bedrooms we have to bare all and just be ourselves in a world who'll never readily accept that as anything more than a first draft. But that's life, isn't it? If we don't realise our own flaws then we can never have honest relationships.

What I've learnt tonight, is to...
  1. Love yourself.
  2. Appreciate who you are, and why you are.
  3. Better yourself by your own standards.
  4. Don't change in accordance to what others what you to be.

Remember there's a whole hoarde of people who love you, for exactly who you are.
You're not better than anybody else, but you are different. Comparing yourself to other will not leave you feeling satisfied but will make you question yourself.

At least that's how it left me feeling, and pretty damn creepy too.

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