eye and said
''You can't live in the past, you can't even think about the past. The past will eat you up, and if you let it, it will always bring you down.''
I knew she was right and I continued to cry automatically,m even thought I felt better, and I felt unbelievably lucky to have such great people in my life. People who can not judge on mistakes, failures or poor judgment. People who delight in you because of who you are rather than what you've done.
I think today was a breakthrough in many ways. I realised how much I missed a lot of people, and how much I can get out of life by trusting in the trustworthy.
If I'm honest, sometimes I think about a best friend too far away from me and that's enough to make me feel like they'll never be beside me again. I find solace in the face I can text them, or phone them and realise that they'll always be beside me. I believe some of them will, and especially one of them will always be calling me a moose and telling me to wind my neck in - even if I'm 45 and my daughter is bringing home her too old-for-her boyfriend.
Sometimes letting go is the easiest thing to say. The easiest way to do is to look at what you have, and what you will have. Concentrate on your goals in a way that pushes you forward for want of success instead of a mind full of regrets which pull you backwards.
I miss you all, but I'll be with you soon.
I miss you so much I can't even tell you.
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