Sunday 30 August 2009

A year on reflection.

I remember this time last year being in a pretty dark place, an even darker place than I'd been in the previous year and a half. I was severely lost and had nobody around me that was planning to stick with me, apart from my family of course.

I'd broken up with my boyfriend of six months, and I was finally free of the people I'd be longing to escape from. I was on the edge of new possibility, and with my first university choice being Queens University, a choice which wasn't mine - I felt like I'd continue on this road.

I knew if I went to that university I'd still be exactly the same person one year on. I'd have lived in the same place, same friends (or lack of) same everything really and I so badly craved change. I was never as blessed than the day I found out that I wouldn't be going to Queens, I'd be moving out of my house and into a new life.

Initially I was even more scared than before and I felt unbelievably unsafe. I had no netting below me and there was so much before me I'd never experienced. It was something I'd always wanted top do but never thought I would.

As time came close to the big move, I became less scared and more excited about what I was about to go into.

At first it wasn't easy. I was living with three girls - my worst nightmare. One of which bullied me basically the whole year, the other which followed the bully. The remaining housemate alienated herself and later moved out with allegations of sectarianism from the bully of the house.

Despite all this I remained optimistic. Aside from the people I lived with, everybody I met were lovely, genuine fun people. The people that are in TV shows and in books of literature. I found solace in the friends I found.

I found a best friend. A boy who played computer games and sat up late at night with me talking about life and what we wanted to achieve. We could laugh, and cry and be angry together. Of course there were obstacles, but we overcame them all and we were always so strong in our friendship that nothing shook us. We're those people whose names gel together as we do everything together.

I found a boyfriend. A boy who had long hair and played electric guitar. We started off rocky and got smoother and we went on, usually it's the other way round! He got on with said best friend and we could all sit together all day watching movies and cooking dinner like everything I ever wanted. He kissed me until the morning light and we had the best time of our lives.

I found more friends who give me such a sense of belonging and well being. We went to many parties, and met more people than I knew existed. Everyday was a new adventure and nothing could break us apart. We went out and the music was so loud it was like all our heartbeats beating together.

I've laughed until I couldn't breathe on the floor a million times with so many different people, and it's scary to think that I'd not have met these people if I hadn't of stepped out and found them by myself. I relied on myself and what I could do, and I reaped the benefits.

I am so thankful I met these people, and I am so glad that one year on I am a completely developed person. I have grown in confidence and in faith. I have learned about friendship and relationships. I've let go of my past and held onto future prospects.

Best year ever.

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