Wednesday 16 March 2011

Hello 8am.

So I thought it was time for a little bit of a life update. It's 8am and I'm one of now five people up in the LRC, the fog was so thick me and Conor couldn't see past our culdasack and couldn't see the tower building pulling up to uni; it was a strange morning.
Yesterday was a pretty long day even though we spent most of it laughing. After working for hours in the study area and carting about his stuff we finally got home to make a big dinner and sit about with all the housemates and have heart to hearts about what was getting us all down in varying degrees; family troubles, work stresses, boyfriends jealousy issues. After most of the words had been said we decided to have a few friendly drinks were we ended up really saying how we felt about even more of our lives and making silly jokes which didn't cease.

When everybody had headed to bed, for sleep and to do more work I ended up, after spooning with one best friend and phoning another I ended having a 3 hour phonecall which really changed how I felt and viewed things. I realised how much we assume things, assume how people feel, or how they have felt and how that changes the way we act towards them... but if what we assumed was inaccurate then that changes the nature of how we feel about them.

Sometimes it's not until the dead of night when you've sobered up from the start of the phonecall that you truely become so overwhelmed with thanks at the level of honesty achieved, and you feel that your sunk a little lower in how you're starting to feel.

And somehow you're up at 7:30, and pull on your aviator jacket and you're in uni for 8 thinking about how Auden demonstrates truth-telling over 'the romantic lie' in his poetry before 1940.

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