Friday 16 September 2011

Balancing history books up on my shelves.

Hey everyone. I am writing this from my very cutesy desk at the top of a small office in Belfast. It's absolutely freezing outside and I realized how little I update my blog when I'm happy or doing well in life (unless it comes in the form of bullet points - see post below). The first thing I'll say is I'm working - a lot. Working 7 days a week - 4 days in my beautiful minimum wage Costa job with some great people and the new 3 days a week 'job' which is not so much a job , but an internship.

The internship will operate the remaining 3 days a week, 10 - 4 and enables me to fit in at least an hours walking everyday. It also enables me to have fun dressing up in office wear and packing packed lunches with last nights enchiladas. Being an intern for a lifestyle, news and business website does give me some very valuable experience and acts as a great addition to my CV, which as a recent graduate - I desperately need.

Aside from working 7 days a week life has been hectic still. I'm going to a Frank Turner gig with my (think I'm saying this for the first time) boyfriend tomorrow night. Having a boyfriend takes up a lot of my time - in a good way. :P And having a boyfriend who works 6 days a week adds to the stress of trying to find time where we can spend time with each other and chill out from our lives. This has actually been pretty easy - apart from trying to wake him up at 8am to take me to work. There has been a very natural fall-into-place manner with us where it is never a mad rush, or a mad struggle to see each other. The side effect to this of course is that my room at home is an absolute state and my parents have forgotten my name, but never being home can be very refreshing!

Which brings me to living at home. When I do set my feet through the door I usually have 6 letters piled up, tomato soup encrusted mugs circling my TV and all my clothes sitting neatly on my floordrobe. I think when you're living at home - with your parents, it's hard to really take care of your space because it never really feels like yours and you just wanna get out. Having freedom is the most desirable thing to have when you're in your early twenties so it's not entirely a shock when you don't wanna be sitting in on a Saturday night with your parents watching X factor in your faded care bears nightie.

Seeing my friends has been difficult. All of us are anxiously waiting on a job which we want to do and are qualified to do, but in the meantime we need SOMETHING to do and some money to fund us. Seeing each other has been somewhat restricted by birthdays, events and not by just 'needing to see each other'. Despite this me and the BFF have since each other about once a week and have managed somehow to keep laughing through the 'Hate my life' daily texts.

And with that there's been everyday life of picking up parents, reading comics, and finally having enough fingernails to paint bright colours. Life is busy, and it's not everything I ever dreamed of - but I'm hoping that the fact I'm happy will breed more happiness. And I might make this 'blogging on my lunchbreak' thing a daily thing.

I miss dailyboothing.
And I love that Brian watched SATC with me last night. (Even though he hates it.)

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