- Happy feet with the girls.
- Stopping for a few seconds 'just to look at' the other person.
- When somebody takes a beamer.
- Eating birthday cake the next morning after somebody's birthday.
- When me and Gerald were late for Contemporary European Culture every week.
- Baking heart-shaped shortbread with Gerald.
- "Baby, it's cold outside."
- Purposely embarrasing somebody so they'll go red, then poking their cheeks.
- BBQs in summertime.
- St Patricks Day!
- Doing the head dance at the start of Will and Grace during the theme tune.
- "She must have been REALLY ugly."
- "Do you take the Euro?'
- Baking a cake with Brian and him refusing to decorate it.
- Impulse yoga in a strange kitchen, in a dress.
- It being a mile to walk up to Stormont from the gates.
- Getting separate boxes of ice lollies each, and when I return all of mine being eaten.
- Flower plasters VS bug plasters.
- Scrabo.
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