Friday 22 May 2015

Dog Ownership Training - What I learned on Week One

Firstly I signed up to this through Mid Antrim Animal Sanctuary's Facebook page which notified me of it.  The course was free due to eternal funding and did have limited places.  I was lucky enough to secure one for myself.

I sadly do not and have not ever owned a dog but I hope to in the next few years and want to learn as much as I can about looking after them!

The first evening was on 18/05/2015.  We were given an info pack with some writing material.

The first speaker was called Robin and he is a Dog Trainer.  Some things I learnt from Robin;

  1. Badly behaved dogs are usually bored - make sure they are getting enough exercise.
  2. If you rescue a dog - many behaviours come from a previous home.  Therefore you have to take time to know your dogs habits (good and bad)
  3. Dogs usually have a main focus - some love attention, some love food, some just want a nice warm bed.
  4. Don't wash dog beds too often - dogs like their bed to smell like them.
  5. Only give dogs toys when you want them to play, and change and mix them to keep the dog occupied so he doesn't grow bored of them.
  6. Play games with your dog like hiding toys in the garden.
  7. Take your dog a walk BEFORE feeding them.
  8. Before bringing ANY dog (puppy or rescue)

The second speaker was a Vet surgeon, working for over 25 years.  Some things I learnt;

  1. Pedigree breeds do have more health problems and these vary by breed.  Do your research before getting a certain breed.
  2. As dogs get older they often get arthritis - don't be afraid to give them pain relief.  If you have none you can give them paracetamol.
  3. For dogs known to get hip dysplasia you can give them joint supplements.
  4. Make sure you feed your dog at least 2 a day.  Once a day is incredibly dangerous as it can cause the stomach to swell, twist and be fatal within hours.
  5. Beware of slug pellets/animal poison in gardens.
  6. Make sure you get the dog treated 3-4 times a year for worm - BOTH KINDS!
  7. Neutering your dog is always encouraged.  Too early can cause bladder incontinence so wait until after the first heat.
  8. If you get a puppy make sure to get all vaccinated - if it is a rescue dog make sure it has all vaccinations.

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