Monday 29 June 2009

The Bucket List.

A bucket list is a list of things which you would like to do before you die, as dying is sometimes described as 'Kicking the Bucket.' Here are mine, they are in no order.

10. Go on a Mission Trip for at least 6 months.
As a Christian I believe that going on missions to spread God's love to those who have never heard of the Gospel is extremely important and rewarding. I also believe that it would help me grow in my own faith and be extremely grateful for the life I have here.

9. Live outside of Northern Ireland.
I'm unsure the circumstances of which I would like to live outside of Northern Ireland, or how long for. Maybe I will move for career opportunities, a change of scenery or even to fulfill a desire I don't have currently. However I would hate to die knowing that I've lived in the exact same place my whole life - I need to explore and have my own freedom. I also believe that living not at your birth home will broaden your cultural horizons.

8. Give a motivation speech.
I've always been a fan of advice, and I'd really love to give that to some people who want to here it. I'd love to tell of my experiences to the younger generation in order to give them non-patronising advice but the key to true happiness and fulfillment.

7. Get Married and have children.
A common want that most people(especially women) aspire to be and to have. To me, a family situation is the ideal and I believe that this is the circumstances in which I'd be happiest. With love comes happiness, and without love there would certainly be no life.

6. Get on a random plane and go wherever it takes you.
I'm a huge fan of impromptu moments, and although the idea scares me, and of course it could go completely wrong but the idea of going somewhere completely unknown (unless you ended in Cornwall :P) is exciting and I would still want to have the aspect of mystery in my life as well as the comfortable.

5. Write my own novel.
When I say this, it comes with certain criteria. Have you ever heard a band saying they are 'in it for the music'? Well that's would I would be in the writing world for - 'for the writing'. I would just want to write something that would matter to somebody. If I ever write a novel that some girl or guy picks up reads and it expands their minds into thinking differently, or moves them to act differently - I've completed my goal. Success doesn't matter to me and I don't aspire to be a best-seller.

In fact, I can think nothing worse than writing a trashy romance novel about some business woman falling in love with a builder. I would barely even call that a novel, never mind literature.

4. Become fluent in a language.
Preferably French, or Japanese. I'd love to go to a country and speak to the residents comfortably. Plus I'd feel a lot more cultured. :P

3. Be able to play the guitar properly, and write a good song.
Self-expression is very important and very flexible but I've always been interested in musical and I find I've little talent or commitment to be able to be successful as a musician and I hope that one day I will be. :)

2. Have my own fridge, which dispenses ice.
It's my mark that I've made it.

1. Own my own house, and to be happy with it.
For my children to grow up, and be with other children and have the security and comfort of a lovely house.

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