Monday 22 June 2009

Dying to be thin.

We've all had times where we have hated what we've looked like. I know I've looked at myself in the mirror and I can tell you a detail I don't like about every body part. Are my standards too high? Or am I too weak to strive towards my own level of beauty.

Recently on a day where I felt awful about my own body and weight, I stumbled upon a few pictures, and a few sites which put my own thoughts into overdrive. These girls have lives' which are completely dominated by eating one apple, cut into 6 pieces (2 pieces for breakfast, lunch and dinner to 'trick' the body into thinking it has 3 meals ), they aspire to be thin and nothing else.

On this particular website there is a section speaking about '40 Reasons not to Eat'. The wording is important. They do not want to lose weight, or cut down on fatty foods - they want to stop eating altogether which is completely ridiculous and horrifically demanding on willpower of the individual.

Here's a few of these 'reasons'

  • You will be FAT if you eat today. Just put it off one more day.

  • Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.

  • Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

  • When you start to get dizzy and weak, you're almost there.

They KNOW it's wrong, and they KNOW their bodies will rebel, become weak and they won't be able to function. However, their goal is a warped sense of beauty, a desire to be labelled as beautiful by men, and by others.

In an attempt to see if thin is what is valued by the opposite sex, I asked two males. Both of which said they would prefer a thin person rather than fat person. I was intrigued and asked them to define what they seen as thin/fat and I was linked to a few pictures of women found on google.

These women were basically women which clinically would be described as overweight or underweight - which was surprising. However even when I linked these guys to pictures on these websites picturing girls with thighs the same width and their calves they said that they were beautiful. This threw everything back up into the air.

I linked them to these sites where there was a pep talk including lines like;

''You know that if you go and eat right now, you will end up standing over the
toilet, puking it all up until you see blood and water and your stomach is

They quickly said that this lifestyle was obsessive and unrealistic, but they still didn't deny that the thin bodies were beautiful, but I did start to get more comments like ''A good body doesn't have to be a thin body'', ''Being comfortable with your body is the most important thing'' and even ''Actually i find girls with a few extra pounds cute''

It seems that the result of not eating(or eating one apple a day) is appealing and attractive to men, but the process of starving, obsessing, and throwing up until blood and water are forced out of thier bodies brings these males back to rational thought - then they start to claim that extra pounds are cute.

Of course you will find men who like thin girls, and guys who like curvy girls but I believe there's a method in the madness which seems to say that men like somebody who looks healthy. If you looked at this psychologically - it has been suggested that men like curvy women because subconsciously they think that thier bodies would be an appropriate shape to bear children with. That and historically the sex symbol that is Marilyn Monroe had very wide hips that may translate to size 16 in UK dress sizes.

However some people think that those pictures are the definition are beautiful, but I can assure you than these people are not naturally this size. What do you think is beautiful, and have you ever thought about why you think that, or what has influenced you to think that? Because it might be worth it.

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