Saturday 25 June 2011


  1. If the circumstances were different, we could have been different. But you just could never help yourself from picking me apart. I would have never gave up on you, but that would mean that I would have to give up on myself - I had to pick myself. I hope one day you'll understand.
  2. One minute I wanna spill my heart out for you, other days I want to to chase me for what's inside.
  3. Wish I could tell you everything, but every time I try to - you're not interested. Which is fair, but makes me doubt you bigtime.
  4. It's strange how we pop into each others lives for a mere few days and then disappear when we realise how ridiculous the idea of us being friends is.
  5. I don't like you in that way, and honestly - I'm not sure I even like you as a person. I mean, you're fine but you kinda bring me down.
  6. You're really great.
  7. You were an infatuation, you weren't love. :)
  8. If anyone asks, I'll tell them we both grew apart.

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