Friday 25 June 2010


Being home for a very long summer is kind of intimidating. Your friends will come back full of stories about their jobs, their holidays and the craic around their home town for a few months. We all want to accomplish something over the summer, and when you realise a month of it is nearly gone and you're still jobless, you start to worry about exactly what you're getting out of your summer.

Currently I'm applying everywhere for summer work, then weekend work. It's kinda reached that point where you wouldn't really care where you were working as long as you were working somewhere. However as panicking doesn't get you anywhere all you can do is keep looking, keep applying and don't lose heart. You also need to realise there's more to life and just because you're unemployed doesn't mean your summer is a sentence of facebook stalking from 9 -5. Keeping that in mind I've just gained a bit of motivation to just do things.

The first thing that caught my attention was being out for a long walk with my family and realising just how unfit I am. Actually ridiculous, and honestly if I had to run away from a bear chasing me in the woods I'm not sure I could make it a mile before getting a stitch and collapsing beside a tree. At the age I am I just want to be strong and that means as well to be strong physically. I enjoy spinning, yoga, aerobics and most uncompetitive forms of exercise and I think at this time in my life if I'm not fit and healthy it'll just go downhill and I'm not up for being one of those can't-get-off-the-sofa Mum's.

So I got up off my arse and researched around the place for a gym with classes that suit me, and I found one. I went to a trial class and realised this could be what I need to motivate myself. I joined just there today for 3 months unlimited classes, unlimited use of gym and other wee things in the place.

Oh, and I promise not to get a six-pack!
I'm excited about getting fit!

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