Thursday 3 June 2010

What a lovely day.

Today is such a great day, it's been such a great week. Today I was going to laze about and tidy up my room and generally sort myself out, but it's turned out to be one of those constructive days which put you on your way to something great. I got up and danced around in my over sized nightie for a few hours on face book and finishing off my CV.

So I printed out a good few and headed out with my Mum job-hunting and general shopping and talking time. Ended up heading to my old work and talking away to my old work-mate as if I'd never really left. Getting all the gossip and news over the past few months and surprisingly realising how much I'd missed the place. It was so great to re-connect with a place of your past and starting to realise how great it was for what it was. I was glad to realise that I've a pretty great reputation there and they're keen on employing me again for another mad summer. :P

Also I went around local shops and dropped in a few CV's for good measure and felt pretty good about it. I also spent the day thinking how great this summer is going to be and talking to my Mum about life, achieving and making the most out of things and I ended up just feeling really oddly inspired by the weather and the positivity that seemed to be floating around the air.

I've a fun-filled rest of the week too, and I'm so excited and happy about where things are at the minute!

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