Monday 14 June 2010

The internet.

I love the Internet, I wanna say now. When I'm living at my home in Belfast I go on the Internet at least once a day. I'm on face book, daily booth, blogger spot, twitter, xanga, YouTube... the list in endless. I'm addicted and it always helps me relax and of course keep in contact with friends and find out what's going on in the world instantly.

Yet although I love the Internet, I'm aware the Internet is not really something you can put on your CV as a hobby or boast about how good you are at 'going on the Internet' (but I am SO great at going on the Internet. :P). Furthermore the Internet is a safety blanket and well honesty, lets be honest a way of finding out information about our face book friends. I find it more of a guilty pleasure than really something which is in any way constructive.

I once, a few years ago was on a social networking site and stumbled upon a guys profile. In his 'About Me' information section he said that most of his life involved being in front of a screen. Although the name escapes me of this guy, and I certainly do not remain in contact with him, that line about spending your life in front of a screen really got to me. It's exactly what I don't want my life to be. I have ambition and desires bigger and better and they don't fit into a computer screen and don't fit into the limitless Internet.

Life's about experience. You can't experience life in front of a screen. I just want to really live life as you're emant to and nto hide behind a screen and not to take the internet for more than it is. It's just a screen ultimately and you will never get real full emotion or real full experience purely because of it. It's a luxury, but it cannot be the basis of a life or you're really just ruining your life and wasting your time.

On your death bed, you're never going to say you wish you spent more time on the internet.

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