Tuesday 8 June 2010

Reminders of the past.

It's strange that no matter how distant the past is, or how much you've moved on and changed the past can still creep up behind you. You could see an old bully from school on the bus home, or find a picture of you and an old boyfriend at the bottom of your wardrobe. The funny thing about reminders of the past is that you always seem to make a comparison between who you were back then, and who they were back then and how much things have changed. I find that I get reminded of the past at least once a day with locations and memories as I'm around the place I grew up in and see the people you moulded me into who I've become today.

The reason I guess I want to write about this is because the past matters. It's not something to dwell on obviously (yet it's very tempting to do so sometimes), but it had to be there or else you wouldn't be where you are now. You are a consequence of what happened in your past and you'd be a fool to forget it because it's a list of all your lessons. You know what mistakes not to make again, and what things you should always do.

Your past makes up general conversation and is the reason why you have the opinions you do. We all have for an experience which made us toughen up and change our attitude. I like realising why I am, and who made me like that. I like pinpointing why I do certain things and the past always gives me motivation to do and be better. It motivates as much as my desire for future treasures.

I guess it's easy to be afraid and ashamed of your past but that's not it's purpose. Your past is colourful and not all the colours are beautiful but when you look back you can't change it so you need to embrace it, and move on from it.

Sometimes when you can't move on all you need is soemthing to happen which reminds you how much you don't miss the past at all and your present is so amazing you need to embrace it and stop wasting your time being hurt by something that is already over.

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