Wednesday 28 July 2010

I think I'm doing well, from what they say.

Hiya. Been pretty busy as of late, and since I'm only working part-time when I come home I've a lot of things to do and I just feel like things are kind of coming together. I just think in life you set standards and goals for yourself and you need to work and DO things to reach them. I get so angry when people complain about their lives, fitness, friendships when they don't do anything to change it. You can ALWAYS change it if you try hard at it.

I was just thinking this morning about the things I've personally been struggling with, and how I've worked so I'm no longer struggling as much or at all with them anymore. I guess you deal with a lot of stuff alone most of the time. Sometimes you tell others, but most of the time they won't understand the extent unless they're you living through it. However sometimes when people catch a glimpse or you let loose some of the things that are going on, you get a bit of recognition about how well you're actually doing. You get a 'Wow, that sounds like hell how're you doing this?' or just a 'I'm really proud of you' and you just feel like you've came a distance to where you were maybe a few months ago.

Realising your progress alone is very difficult because you can't see how much better you have been doing at times. There's nothing more satisfying than working your ass over something even though it's killing you and getting told genuinely that you're actually doing well, or that people are impressed with you.

Everything is a learning curve, and as long as you're challenging yourself you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. As long as you're trying and you have the ambition and drive to do things and you're moving forward you should just be satisfied. You won't always get people telling you you're doing well, and you just have to tell yourself you are. Just never give up on yourself, or you've lost everything.

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