Thursday 2 July 2009

Confidence boosts.

Confidence boosts comes in different sizes and different levels of intensities.

Sometimes a good day gets a confidence boost, where as a bad day has the opposite effect. You can get a massive confidence boost by a stranger telling you that you're lovely or by meeting a new person who compliments you straight away.

Confidence makes us feel like we're the best version of ourselves and we're capable of doing things and accomplishing what we've set out to do.

I recently started a new job, and I was applying left right and center and I was very unconfident about whether I was going to get anything. I got an interview for a job and went in there as the person I was, I didn't put on an act, and I spoke (perhaps nervously but) confidently and I left and felt good about how I answered the questions. However I was aware that I had no retail experience at all, and most of the people applying would have the experience - so really all I had going for me what who I was as a person.

I was told I'd get a call on Monday or Tuesday. So there I was barely leaving the house in case they rung. Monday passed, Tuesday passed, and Wednesday passed. I realised that I hadn't got the job, and it was completely understandable as I was a nineteen year old that hadn't had a job at all and had little to no experience needed for the position.

So I was running about getting myself in gear for a volunteer work filled summer. Organising working in a lovely little bookshop I've grown to love for the few 7 years. i had done just two shifts in the book shop when I got a phone call from the company who gave me that interview.

The phone call was to say that I had in fact got the job! I was doing 30 hours the next week and I was really delighted and surprised! So on Tuesday there, my first day I was speaking to my now co-worker who informed me that out of over 20 interviews I was the only one to be employed. I was absolutely gobsmacked!

Further into the conversation she was able to tell me that she'd took my number and gave it to the manager saying that I seemed like 'a lovely wee girl' and somebody who sounded like I'd be very nice to work with. My number was passed on and in interview I apparently showcased the same qualities that were picked out earlier on. It was such a confidence boost!

The lesson to me was that I should never lose confidence in myself and think that I'm not good enough for something. I really think that we all should trust in what we can do, and that our qualities outshine our lack of experience. We should never allow ourselves to feel inferior, when all we have to do is be the best version of ourselves and it's enough for others to see what we can achieve and how we can achieve it.

Oh and, it always helps to be lovely. :)

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