Saturday 8 May 2010

Deal breakers.

When we're looking at a potential boyfriend, we have things we go for. Things that make our friends point boys out in magazines and say 'Do you like him?'. Obviously first we have the physicality's that attract us. For instance somebody would see a guy with a lip piercing at go weak at the knees and others would cringe.

However, when you develop real feelings for somebody the fact that they're not 6 foot tall doesn't seem to matter as much. You end up attaching yourself to their thoughts and what you can see from their heart and not what others will criticise them for. It's nice in a way to see inside somebodies heart and never run out of things to talk about or places to go.

Sometimes it's a few minutes after you meet somebody, or could be way longer but usually there's a point where you find something out about somebody that makes you so turned that you really couldn't be with them in any real sense. That's more of a good thing I guess and the earlier the better you realise before either of you have invested any part of your heart.

Ultimately we are who we are. Most of the things in our lives are there because we choose them and if we want to change those we can, so we really shouldn't get caught up in the idea that are lives are something written in stone. We will meet thousands of people in our lifetime and each one will be somewhat different that the others. I guess what we really have to figure out is what our own deal breakers are, and why they are there and if they could be compromised. I just know that if in doubt, don't go there - because it'll never be worth it and you'll all end up getting hurt.

And always remember that you might be a deal breaker for somebody too, so be careful.

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