Tuesday 4 May 2010

What makes life what it is.

  1. Laughing out loud at movies with your best friends.
  2. Yogurts in morningtimes.
  3. Eating meals with wee spoons.
  4. Theme parties.
  5. The song 'My humps' by The Black Eyed Peas, and dancing to it in your kitchen whilst doing dishes.
  6. The feeling of clothes when you take them out of the tumble dryer, and putting them in for 20 seconds before you take them out so they're all warm when pulling them out.
  7. Hairspray.
  8. Singing along to musicals.
  9. xanga.com
  10. Poking fun at your friends.
  11. Hoovered floors.
  12. Dancing in dresses.
  13. When you're watching a movie or listening to a song and thinking 'That's so me.'

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