Wednesday 25 August 2010

What I love about you is...

  1. I can call you whatever mood I'm in. You'll always listen to me, and I'm always scared to ring anybody else because I'm not sure they'd really see the point of having our conversations.
  2. You bring out my creativity. You drag out all my opinions and ideas and I know that's why you like me, and that's why I like you. I like that you ask me questions that make me question and explore what I do and why.
  3. You ALWAYS put me first. Sure sometimes I get mad and tired and give you hard time but that's me being grumpy. Your big 'Awk sweetheart' after a long day makes me feel better and all the tension in my heart kinda just floats away.
  4. You make it impossible not to smile around you. You're willing to put up with a lot to make others happy and never ask for anything in return. You've such a good heart, and always make time for everybody. You're so genuine and everybody loves you being around.
  5. You make my day with stupid things. I'll be all worked up and you'll tell me a joke or rake me about doing things wrongly. You never seem stressed or upset and you never let anybody get you down, and that to me is amazing. You make life easier.
  6. You're like the one who gets me. Who I know would laugh at what I laugh at, who knows how I'd react to certain situations. You know how to protect me, how to look after me, how to push me, how to enocurage me. And we have the best fun, we have the best everything really.

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