Monday 23 August 2010

You found RARECANDY!

I think memories and nostalgia can be very dangerous. Almost like a poison if you let it consume you. We can become so in love in what we had or did in our past that we'll not have much interest in what'll happen in our futures. We can only think about all our great memories and get into the mindset that they're all we have and the present we're living in is only there as a 'morning after the night before' purpose.

At the same time memories soothe and comfort us when we're inbetween making memories and having good times. Today I was thinking about playing my pink gameboy when I was wee and thinking it was great. Then about a year or so ago picking it up and probably enjoying it just as much. At the time my then boyfriend and friends also got into it and we had such a great time battling and levelling up and having this competitive thing between us. My point is that memories and hobbies in the past cannot be relived but you may find that little things from the past sometimes come back up and you make new memories with something old with new people, or different people.

Sometimes we're scared to go to certain places etc that we went to with former loved ones because we'll remember the memory and it'll just hurt us. However don't let the past take away from the great times on offer. Go with the flow and don't be afraid to revisit some old stuff with somebody new because you're not erasing former memories, and you'll probably make your old pain hurt a lot less. You'll make yourself hurt a lot less.

If we hold on to the past and try and try it into the present it'll never ever work. We'll end up hurt and disappointed. If we're not scared of what's happened we can go to the same places, we can read the same books and listen to the same songs and give them new meaning.

I'm grateful for my memories and I'm greatful for my future. I do not have to choose and I do not have to let one affect the other out of fear. I really can't wait for all the great things to come and all the amazing people and places I'm yet to see. :)

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