Wednesday 25 February 2015

How to drink more water!

As I get older and more health conscious, one thing I amalways told to do is drink water. Typically I used to drink Sprite, Coke, Fanta Lemon, Peach iced tea etc.  All arguably delicious but also full of sugar and empty calories.  As I looked into become a healthier person these were the first things I cut out and I was bored with drinking water almost immediately.  Here are some things that worked for me.

Buy a Sippy Cup

I work in a nice office with a cold water filter in the kitchen.  Filling up mugs is annoying because they don’t hold much and I am scared in case I knock it over.  My office is 99% female and there has been a trend of drinking from these plastic cups.
Once I got one I started drinking far more straight away.  The straw makes you drink more, faster. I fill it up in the morning, and anytime it is empty I immediately fill it up again.  Having a constant supply means you keep hydrated because it is there.
I first found it difficult to find where to get there but you can get them in Primark, Tesco, and Starbucks.  I got mine in New Look and they have quite a selection.

Add freshly cut lemon

Once the novelty was over I wanted something OTHER than no-taste water without pouring sugar into the water – I was ready to try something new.  Again, the girls in work were trying drinking lemon with the water.  I was instantly sold on this because I love lemon.  I also found it helpful as it gave me that sour taste of sour sweets without eating packet after packet of tangfastics!

If you don’t like lemon you can use any fruits, but it works best with citrus fruits. Try lime or oranges! 

Green Tea

If you get bored of cold water, and want a healthy hot drink – green tea is a good choice. We always hear about how green tea is amazing for you but sometimes find it hard to stick to.  For me, in the morning the kitchen is always packed so I leave it so long I tend to forget.  A better option might be to challenge yourself to drink 2 cups a day – one at 10am and another at 2pm.  
There are many varities such as green tea with cranberry/lemon/pineapple etc. I found drinking loose leaf green tea to be good too, it bring something a little different into my routine and makes me more interested in drinking it.  If you don’t like green tea there are many other herbal teas try vanilla chai, or raspberry.  You can also add some lemon to these.

Hot Chocolate

Hear me out on this one.  I don’t mean a Star Bucks one with cream and marshmallows! I mean the Cadbury’s Highlights range.  Personally I LOVE the Fudge one, but it is very sweet and despite all the compliments I get when drinking it I have yet to meet somebody who doesn’t think it is far too sweet.  It is 40 calories per mug, and the drink is very rich and creamy.  Simple to make with boiling water, and sometimes I sprinkle a little hot choc powder over the top for extra sweetness.


Sometimes when I need something tasty and I don’t want water, or flavoured water I go for Sukie. This had a lot of vitamins and is only 50 calories for a full 500ml bottle.
Hope this helps!

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