Monday 2 February 2015

New Year Goals 2015

So I am sitting under a kotatsu in Karastsu, Saga, Japan.  I really wanted to write a New Year blog to go over what I didn’t and did achieve… so here I am writing it half a month into January.  I have been in Japan since 28th of December, so I have been busy!
Last years resolutions and comments.
  1. Travel out of NI at least twice - Once to Japan. (DONE!)Technically yes! I went to Dublin for Wicked in January, and another time later on in the year.  I also am obviously in Japan now. :)
  2. Get a car. (DONE!)I got my own car in March.  It’s perfect, I love it!
  3. Get a full time job I don’t hate. (DONE!)I absolutely love my job, the company and people I work with in Visit Belfast. 
  4. Finish Japanese Step 1 and Step 2. (DONE!)I achieved this, and I actually started Step 3 but due to my shitty job at the time I had to work most Saturdays so I had to give it up.
  5. Be more honest about my feelings. (ONGOING - DONE!)Obviously this is ongoing but I feel I have really done that this year - more of this in the future.
  6. Be more positive (even when things are hard) (NOT DONE)I think this was more of a struggle than the previous one.  Definitely need to work on this one!
  7. Figure out where my career is going; masters/course/work experience etc, and put that plan into action. (DONE!)This ties in quite nicely with number 4. :)
  8. Finish a novel. (Doesn’t have to be edited) (NOT DONE!)I think I was kidding myself with this one… baby steps!
  9. Grow out my nail (properly including thumbnails!) (DONE!)Done and I am SO proud.
So onto 2015 Goals.
1. Establish a gym/fitness routine.  
I found the gym in 2014, and I want to establish a firm routine that I an realistically stick to.
2. Be kind to yourself!This is a development of ‘Be more positive (even when things are hard)’ last year.  I know this is ongoing, but make more time for myself and start putting myself first more.
3. Travel out of Ireland at least twice - ONCE TO FRANCE.Now I will be going on a Hen do in April, and I need to visit France.  Need to do this.
4. Read 12 books - 1 per month.I have fallen seriously out of love with reading, and I want to change that.  I have set an easy to reach goal to make sure I don’t give up.
5. Learn French starting with Duolingo.I have started this and is it difficult but it is great!
6. Move out!You are 25, get yo ass out of the house, live with your friends and live the dream.
7. Blog once a week - if you’re home.Try and write and keep your mind active!
8. Stop eating SO many sweets.I mean, seriously you are addicted and an adult. Stahhhp ittt.
9. Drink more water - and cut down fizzy drink to weekends only.Take care of your teef, hydrate yo body.
10. Don’t be ashamed to spend money on yourself.You are a serial saver and there is more to life.  Travel, do night classes, go to a play, go on spa breaks.  Say YES and enjoy your money.

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